I am a fourth-year undergraduate student in Vision4robotics Group at Tongji University (TJU). In the third summer vacation, I had the honor to work in the UAV laboratory of Tsinghua University for a period of time. I'm currently pursuing the bachelor degree in mechanical engineering with three times National Endeavor Scholarship.
My research interests include robotics, artificial intelligence, and computer vision. Specifically, I am researching UAV object tracking in complex environments in order to improve the robustness and stability of the trackers in the face of challenges such as occlusion, fast motion, and illumination variation, among others.
B.Eng. of Mechanical Engineering
Sept. 2019 -- Now
Tongji University, Shanghai
High School Student
Sept. 2016 -- Jun. 2019
Huaibin Senior High School of Henan Province
07/2021: I join the Vision4robotics Group; relish my academic journey!